Monday, October 13, 2008

On a personal note . . .

In the past few days I have become the wife of a grandfather (I am having great difficulty coming to terms with my husband calling himself Grandad so be nice to me)

Jono, Narelle and
Fraser George Colquhoun
(born 9th October 2008)

and an aunt again . . .

Me, my sister Karen and
Xavier Christian Hale
(born 12th October 2008)

What a busy girl I've been!

Here's a slideshow of the weans :

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Vicki said...

Thanks for these photos - I loved seeing Karen with her baby - how happy she looks!

Snow said...

You have been busy. I've loved looking at these pics. On another note is there an easy way for me to add those Lee LeFever links in one go to my blog?

Colquhouns said...

Snow - I don't know. I added them one by one as that's all the gadget thing will allow.