Friday, November 7, 2008

The Last Post

So, this is my second time going through what was originally the 23 Things. I've learnt a bit more, but I do feel that some things could have been done in more depth while other things, as mentioned in my previous post, have not been covered at all. I feel this has been a show-us course and now I'd like to see Library 2.0.1 giving us more in-depth information, some this-is-how-you-do-it-yourself support and assistance in getting up and running with some of this stuff.

That said, I do appreciate the hard work that the PLNSW team have put in and their feedback via comments and Help! emails has been great. Well done boys and girls!

This is for you (does a wobbly curtsey)

I've mentioned to our manager that maybe small groups of us could take a web thing and really investigate it, work out how to work it, assess it's potential for our library and perhaps DO something with it. Time, money, getting staff together, motivation - all are potential barriers.

There is, though, so much potential for exciting, interesting web 2.0 stuff


Vicki said...

Love the Last Post inclusion

pls@slnsw said...

It's a great idea to tackle it in-house as a project.
Mylee (PLS)